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Selectmen's Minutes September 7, 1999
        Selectmen’s Meeting of September 7, 1999

Present:  Chairman Daniel Webster, Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Peter Jones, Charles Flynn and Executive Secretary Joseph F. Nugent.

I.      Chairman Webster called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. by reading a notice from Representative Marini regarding the Lottery Distribution.  The first item on the agenda is the classification hearing - Webster read the hearing notice and Kuchinski made a motion to open the Classification Hearing, second by Jones.  4-0 Vote (Flynn was not present).  

Classification Hearing

Cyndi Long, Assessor/Appraiser introduced Dan Ward, Steve DeDominici and Susan Thornton - Members of the Board of Assessors.  Cyndi presented the Board with the options for the Tax Rate.

1.  Uniform Rate  $16.65
2.  Shifts of 1%,5%,25% &50%
Long explained the value of the homes have increased substantially.  The Board of Assessors recommends a Uniform Rate rather than a split rate because the Town of Hanson has under 11% Commercial and Industrial Properties.  

The next item Long discussed was the small commercial exemption - The Board of Assessors does not recommend this because the benefit is almost never seen by the business owner yet- by the Land Owner.  Motion by Kuchinski not to adopt the small commercial exemption, second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

Motion by Kuchinski that the Town of Hanson adopt the Uniform Tax Rate , second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.

After some discussion regarding the new growth certification and the STREP Program which enables seniors to earn tax rebates for work performed ( Applications can be filed at the Senior Center).  Motion by Kuchinski to continue the Classification Hearing until the State Budget and Tax Rate are certified, second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

II.     Carole McCormack, Treasurer/Collector- Borrowing from Stabilization Fund- This is an internal borrowing for $836,000 to be paid 6/30/00 with a 3% interest rate.  This encumbers money from stabilization but the Town can go out for a RAN if we have to.   Motion by Kuchinski to authorize the Treasurer/Collector to borrow $868,000 from Stabilization, second by Flynn.  5-0 Vote.

Bruce Young from the audience asked as a point of information- when did the law change that you can borrow from stabilization?-  McCormack answered that it was 3 to 4 years ago.  

Webster discussed an article for the Town Meeting Warrant for Plymouth County Aquisition.  

McCormack also asked the Board to vote the appointment of Carole A. Barber, Assistant Treasurer:  Motion by Murdoch to appoint Carole A. Barber as  Assistant Treasurer, second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.  The Board proceeded to sign the appointment.

Vote to Close the Warrant:

An article came in from the Board of Appeals- Lila Coyle was in the audience- she asked to see the article since it was her understanding that it was not going to be submitted for the warrant.  She explained that the article is intended to allow owners of non-conforming lots to attain a building permit from the Building Inspector with out going to the Board of Appeals for pools, sheds or decks etc.  This would save the residents a lot of time, money and aggravation.  Webster believes this is a great idea and is long overdue.  

Murdoch presented a Machine Gun Petition which would ban the use of machine guns in Hanson,  and she is seeking the Board’s support on this article.  

Jones asked that Article 11 be run by Town Counsel.  

Motion by Murdoch to close the warrant, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.

III.    South Shore Housing Development - To discuss Brookside Village

Larry Krajeski introduced Steve Dubuque- He is proposing Single Family Affordable Housing.  The Selectmen would need to sign the local initiative application.  S.S. Housing is a non-profit organization, 30 years old who want to provide affordable housing for the South Shore.  

Matt Dacey, President of Champion Builders- discussed the projects his company has worked on including a project in Pembroke which worked out well for all involved.  He explained that the local initiative needs to be approved by the Board of Selectmen to then apply to the Board of Appeals for a Comprehensive Permit.  They have been to Conservation and Planning Board.  The number of units proposed have been reduced to 12.  

Larry Krajeski, South Shore Housing- 3 units will be affordable ($94,5000), you must have a combined yearly income of $45,000, there is a long term deed restriction which would require the house to be sold for a 40% discount.  

Kuchinski - questioned the wetland line- the plan that Dacey is showing does not have an engineer stamp on it.  She believes there needs to be a new wetlands line. Dacey explained that they intend to file a notice of intent, there is no intent to bypass the system, they are merely looking for the Selectmen to give them an opportunity to go to the Appeals Board.  Kuchinski stated she already sees some needed corrections in their application to the Board.  Dacey showed Kuchinski a stamped plan.  After some discussion regarding Conservation Dubuque reiterated that they intend to go through the proper procedure but need to get approval from the Board to move forward.  

Jones asked how the lottery works for the affordable housing:  Krajeski explained that there are three pools:

I.  Classified Minority
II.  Hanson Residents
III. Classified all others

Kuchinski asked when the residents would get involved- The Zoning Board of Appeals solicits notices for the hearings.  

Michael Nee a resident from Pleasant Street expressed his concern that it is 8.2 acres of land which will have 12 residences and only 3 of those will be affordable housing.  The Town wouldn’t allow just anyone to develop the land in that way.  He also wanted know what concessions the Board of Appeals will have to make for this project.  

Lila Coyle, Chairman of the Board of Appeals explained that a comprehensive permit can bypass Zoning Bylaws it is a State Mandate- we can ask for certain things from the developer but they are allowed to ask for waivers but certain criteria must be shown such as it must be a non-profit organization, Source of water.  

Nee explained that Traffic is a huge concern.  Coyle explained that all abutters will be notified of the public hearing and anyone can attend.  Mrs. Bickford from Pleasant Street is concerned with public safety.  There are several businesses on Pleasant Street as well as many children.  She suggests the Board take some time before allowing the Comprehensive Permit.  Young asked if the Board can call a public hearing to solicit public opinion.  Webster suggests the Board take some time to look into this.  

IV.     Carole McCormack, Treasurer/Collector - Goals and Objectives

McCormack explained that she lost 2/3 of her staff due to retirement.  Her main goal this year will be hiring and training competent staff.  As well as the goals for customer service, minimizing short term borrowing, work with Town Accountant, Capital Improvement Committee, Bylaw committee etc.  

Jones agrees with the most important goal of Training  but enjoyed periodic reviews quarterly.  
Kuchinski would like to see training sessions for Boards regarding Tax Title Auction Process.  

Barbara Gomez, Town Accountant- to discuss Goals and Objectives
Gomez explained her goals and objectives as follows:

Training Sessions re:  Fin Com  in order to go through easy sessions of the forecasting process and into the recap sheet.  

Cash Book

Purchase Orders- Get all Departments on the same process

Come before the Board quarterly

Weekly or monthly sheets

Webster suggested quarterly for the first 6 months and monthly for the last 6 months.  

Murdoch asked that Gomez try to let Department Heads know ahead of time if they are down to there last payroll.  

Flynn discussed the Emergency Plan- a mechanism to specifically identify cost.  Gomez has already spoken with Chief King regarding this matter.  

The Board thanked McCormack and Gomez for their presentations.  

Jones explained the Evaluation Process (5 changes)

Time frame will be from Jan. to Jan.
Performance appraisal process- incorporate objectives and characteristics
More Feedback
Tighten up on characteristics
Salary increase will not be linked to the process.  It will be used in discussions but we will also look at salary surveys and the Health of the Town.  

Murdoch is concerned with how the percentage of increase will be determined.  The employees should be paid on their performance.  Jones explained that their will be more discussion on this issue.  Webster explained that he has faith that when the Salary Analysis is complete - if the Town needs to adjust upward they will.

V.      Vote release of 61A Land- Rickart Connole this is the second time this has come to the Board.  The list of parcels owned by Connole and Bee Nine Trust is in the Office for review.  

VI.     Vote Change of Manager for Liquor License for the American Legion Post #226- the new manager is Mr. Robbins.  Motion by Kuchinski to approve the change of manager, second Jones.  5-0 Vote.

VII.    Sign the Recall Election Warrant

VIII.   There are minutes to be accepted by the Board from April to the Present.  Webster asked the members to review the minutes and get back to Kuchinski with any changes.  

IX.     Search Committee for Executive Secretary:  Webster explained that the Committee will consist of the Police Chief, Webster (as Selectmen Rep.), Karen Barry (W&P), Motion by Murdoch to appoint Karen Barry, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.  One citizen at large ( will hold off until next week to appoint) and a Member of Finance Committee.

After reviewing the Article to get rid of the Executive Secretary’s Position in the Warrant Webster urged citizens and the Board not to support this article.  This will set the Town back 25 years.

X.  Murdoch announced the Plymouth County Commissioners meeting on September 29th
Murdoch will attend and asks for input from Board Members.  Murdoch also announced that she attended a Council for Elder Affairs Meeting recently and they asked that the Board  think about taking action on the curbing problem at the Senior Center, their have been quite a few accidents due to this deterioration problem.  

Executive Secretary’s Report:

1.  Contract for Natural Gas- fixed price for savings of approximately $4,700 a year and the Board should consider taking action on this.  

Kuchinski asked how much savings - Nugent explained that it is approximately $4700 a year.  After some discussion Jones made a motion to sign the contract for November 99 Through March1, 2000, second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

2.  Draft for Network Maintenance of Town Hall- The Service would provide someone here 1 day per week on Wednesdays through the rest of the fiscal year.  $320/day.  He will finish Y2K compliance and will take care of many issues.  He will provide on site services. The Contract has a termination clause, he will be here on Wednesdays, provide some training and software analysis etc.  Motion by Murdoch to sign the contract with AGM Associates, second by Jones. 5-0 Vote.  

Jones commented that his time be monitored so that there is not a lot of time spent on smaller issues.  

Custodian for the Town Hall- Many applications came in to the office, several people were interviewed and their are three finalists.  David Raphel, Brian Clemons, David Ropollo.  After some discussion the Board decided to invite the three candidates in to the next Board Meeting.  

XI.     Motion by Jones to move into Executive Session under #3 Fire Grievance and Executive Secretary Agreement, second by Murdoch.  Roll Call Vote:  Murdoch, aye; Kuchinski, aye; Jones, aye; Webster, aye; Flynn abstained.  4-0-1 Vote.

XII.    The Board entered open session to announce that no votes were taken in Executive Session.  Motion by Murdoch to adjourn, second by Kuchinski.  4-0 Vote.